Tomorrow morning, Blythe and I will be headed to New York City!!! We are taking some of her high school students on a trip to see a couple of shows, take an acting master class, and tour a couple of theatres and tourist sites. We are really looking forward to the trip because we do not get enough opportunities to take vacations. Even though there is quite a bit going on, it will still be very relaxing. . . we hope. This is our first experience with taking any of our students on our students on an over night trip, and certainly a trip on a plane and out of state.
This last year, my head director and I took our choir students from Smith Middle School to San Antonio and Fiesta Texas for a day, but we made a single day trip out of it. This trip will keep us in New York until Saturday afternoon.
We will be seeing performances of Sister Act and Mary Poppins. Not necessarily two shows that I would have chosen to see, but any time you can see a Broadway show, it is worth getting exciting about. On Wednesday, I will be going to the new Yankee Stadium to see a baseball game!! You have no idea how excited I am about that!!! And, I think it is Friday that we are getting to take a tour of the NBC studios! This ought to be fun because Blythe and I have become HUGE fans of Jimmy Fallon over the last few weeks. Lastly, I am excited about possibly seeing a good friend of mine, Adam Wolfe, play the drums for a Broadway show!! Right now, he is the substitute drummer for the Broadway productions of Evita and Rent which means that he doesn't get to play every night, but when the resident drummer takes a night off, or can't be at the show for some reason, Adam gets the call to play!! A VERY sweet gig!! With everything that we got going on, I don't know if I'll actually get to see a performance, but either way, it will be great to see a good friend!!
Well, you know pictures and blog posts will be coming!! I hate that I missed the last two days, especially with how amazing the last few days were with finding out about our little boy, and having family down to stay with us for a few days. Melissa got some really great pictures, and I can't wait to share some of them.
Next time you hear from me will be from New York!!
Pray for safe travels!